| 1. | Collie sofia games - 4455 miniclip games 牧羊犬索菲攻略- 4399小游戏网
| 2. | The character of a border collie shows some remarkable points 边境牧羊犬有一些显著的特性。
| 3. | Subsequently crosses were made from time to time with collies 后来又不时的与长毛型柯利犬交配。
| 4. | The diversity in exterior between border collies is rather large 边境牧羊犬在外表上的差异是很大的。
| 5. | This kennel club took care of the pedigree of the border collie 这个养狗俱乐部照顾纯种的边境牧羊犬。
| 6. | Smart border collie basks in limelight rico , the german dog who 聪明灵巧记忆力强博德牧羊犬成大众焦点
| 7. | Josie : i think it ' s a cross between a collie and a retriever 卓喜:我想,应该是牧羊犬和衔回猎犬的混种。
| 8. | Of course not every border collie has to work with sheep 当然,并非每一只边境牧羊犬都有机会和条件去放牧。
| 9. | She got us a border collie hugo when our son was about six 儿子6岁时,她给我们弄了一只博德牧羊犬,叫雨果。
| 10. | The collie is an intelligent dog , easily trained to control sheep 柯利牧羊犬是智慧型的狗,容易训练来看守羊群。