| 1. | Collier and i infested the grub tent with care and activity . 科利尔和我就这样又谨慎又活跃地同那个饭摊泡上了。
| 2. | But the colliers aren t pagan , far from it 但是矿工们却不是些异端,他们不配。
| 3. | Hey , jordan collier . he ' s the - the hotel guy 嘿,约旦.科利尔他是那个有旅馆的家伙
| 4. | Oh , i ve told the colliers off about it many a time 啊,我常常把这话对矿工们说。
| 5. | He had almost welcomed the colliers in his park 他的花园差不多是欢迎矿工们进来的。
| 6. | - hello ? - can i speak to stephen colly 你好?我能和斯蒂芬?克里说话吗?
| 7. | You don ' t really believe collier can do that , do you 你不相信科利尔会那样做,对吗?
| 8. | Some colliers squatted upon their hunkers against the wall 有几个煤矿工人靠著墙蹲著。
| 9. | Mr . collier , i don ' t . i don ' t know what to say 科利尔先生,我不知道.我不知道应该说什么
| 10. | Hello ? - can i speak to stephen colly 你好?我能和斯蒂芬克里说话吗?