| 1. | The bionics is a subject of a colligated frontier study 摘要仿生学是一门综合性边缘学科。
| 2. | Colligate frame sketch map 综合结构示意图
| 3. | Effect of some colligating materials on survival rate of top grafted pear fruit shoots 不同梆扎材料对梨树高接花枝成活率的影响
| 4. | 5 offer the lowest price for all product , impose colligate strength and the better locate from our factory 5我们发挥企业综合实力和地理位置等优势,为客户提供较低的产品价格
| 5. | The thesis tries hard to colligate , unifies and predigests every aspects index to advance these indexes operation 本文力图将各方面评价指标综合起来,并统一简化,提高其操作性。
| 6. | In the end , combined with the business re - engineering theories , a case study of colligate operation system in icbc is introduced 因此,对商业银行业务流程再造问题进行研究具有很强的理论意义和现实意义。本文从四个部分阐述该问题。
| 7. | Radial - thrust floating - ring hybrid bearing , which can not only sustain the radial load but also the axial load , colligate the strongpoints of pure dynamic and static bearings 径?推联合浮环动静压轴承自二十世纪七十年代经提出后,已进行了较为系统的研究。
| 8. | Evaluation result is that city ecosystem colligate index of zhengzhou is the tiptop in central plains city but is quite low compared with import ecosystem cities in our country 评价结果是:郑州市在中原城市群中虽城市生态系统综合指标值最高,但与国内重要生态城市相比差距很大。
| 9. | The company began to deal with wireless communication in 2002 , and has the ability of researching the power - supply of catv and colligate gateway 02年开始从ups代理转向无线通信,并拥有自有品牌“时讯”及catv电源综合网关的研发能力,客户包括中国移动,中国联通,太平洋保险公司。
| 10. | At the same time , we colligated general math models and solving methods of reliability which are on using now . all of the models and methods have been compared and analysed 结构可靠性设计是固体火箭发动机研究工作中的重要内容。采用可靠性设计方法,可以确保发动机实现预定的质量指标。