| 1. | Methods to prove problems on three points collinear 证明三点共线问题的方法
| 2. | Diffraction theory for collinear dual beam z - scan 扫描的衍射理论
| 3. | Let p be a finite planar point set with no three points collinear 设p为一个无三点共线的有限平面点集。
| 4. | Mutual coupling analysis of collinear antennas with signal and system concept 利用信号与系统概念分析线天线的互阻抗
| 5. | Finite element analysis of sif of flat msd panels with a number of collinear holes 共线多孔平板应力强度因子有限元分析
| 6. | Collinear array antenna 直排天线阵
| 7. | Collinear image formation 共线成象
| 8. | In this paper we consider only finite planar point sets in which no three points are collinear 本文讨论平面上无三点共线的有限点集。
| 9. | Standard test method for sheet resistance of thin metallic films with a collinear four - probe array 用共线四探针法对金属薄膜的薄膜耐力的试验方法
| 10. | Research on multi - photo collinear condition constrained least squares matching and its application of traffic 附有约束条件的最小二乘影像匹配及其在交通事故中的应用