| 1. | In the conventional collocation method, the number of points is equal to the number of unknown parameters . 在通常的配置法中,点数等于未知参数。
| 2. | Cognitive unity of irregular collocations of verbs 两类非常规谓宾结构的认知归一
| 3. | On the governmental control of the collocation of resources 论资源配置的政府调控
| 4. | The definition and overview of the word collocation 词语搭配的界定与研究概况
| 5. | Market economy and resource collocation in adult education 市场经济与成人教育资源配置
| 6. | The adjustment model of gps network with least squares collocation 网平差模型及其应用
| 7. | So it is hard to optimize resource collocation 这些说明,中国股票市场资源配置效率低下。
| 8. | The recognition and taxonomy of collocation in english learning 英语习得中的搭配辨识及分类
| 9. | 4 、 design and implement the semantic collocation repository 4 、设计并实现语义搭配知识库。
| 10. | Reflection on the laboratory source collocation in the new era 新形势下对实验室资源配置的思考