| 1. | Turbidity is predominantly made by colloids . 浊度主要是由胶体物质造成的。
| 2. | The hydrophilic colloids are readily dispersed in water . 亲水胶体很容易分散在水中。
| 3. | Colloids contribute to the character of the soil in other ways . 胶质体对土壤的其它性状也有影响。
| 4. | The settling precipitates can also entrap colloids which it passes bringing them down . 正在沉降的沉淀物也能夹带胶体使其沉淀。
| 5. | The photographic elements contain a blue-sensitive hydrophilic colloid silver halide emulsion layer . 照像材料含有亲水胶体的感蓝卤化银卤剂层。
| 6. | Long-chained charged synthetic and natural polymers can act to destabilize colloids by forming a bridge between one colloid and another . 长链带电的合成聚合物和天然聚合物,能够在胶体间搭桥而使胶体不稳定。
| 7. | The charge on a colloid can sometimes be neutralized by addition of molecules of opposite charge which have the ability to absorb onto the colloid . 在胶体中加入一些能够吸附在它上面的带相反电荷的分子,有时可以中和其电荷。
| 8. | Determination of colloid - stability of lubricating greases 润滑脂压力分油测定法
| 9. | Characterization of photocatalysis of agcl colloid 胶体氯化银的光催化特性研究
| 10. | Application of colloid material in concrete fissure treatment 胶性材料在混凝土坝裂缝处理中的应用