| 1. | Viruses are colloidal particles . 病毒呈胶体颗粒。
| 2. | Colloidal particles are bombarded by molecules of the dispersion medium . 胶粒会受到分散介质分子的碰撞。
| 3. | A substantial portion of the solution is aggregated to form units of colloidal size . 相当一部分溶质离子聚集形成胶体大小的单元。
| 4. | Soap does not often occur as a colloidal suspension except in laundry waste . 除了洗衣房废水外,肥皂常常不以胶态悬浮体形式存在。
| 5. | One case is that of tiny dust particles or colloidal particles suspended in a fluid . 一种就是微小的灰尘粒子或悬浮在液体中的胶粒。
| 6. | A sol that consists of solid particles suspended in a liquid is a colloidal suspension . 由固体微粒悬浮在液体中所组成的溶胶叫胶态悬浮体。
| 7. | A foam is a colloidal system in which gas bubbles are dispersed in a liquid or solid . 泡沫也是一种胶体体系,其中气泡分散在液体和固体里。
| 8. | Frictional behavior is modified by colloidal silica or starch deposition . 耐磨损性能可以通过在织物上沉淀胶状硅或淀粉一类物质而得到改善。
| 9. | Clays are produced by mechanical and chemical weathering and primarily colloidal in size . 粘土是由机械和化学的风化作用形成,主要是胶粒大小。
| 10. | Colloidal particles are formed in considerable amounts in hard-rock drilling and blasting operation . 在硬岩石钻孔和爆破作业中,大量地生成胶体粒子。