| 1. | They entered into eager colloquy with each other . 他们展开热切的相互交谈。
| 2. | The colloquy which followed was brief and to the point . 两人的对话既简短,又直截了当。
| 3. | In such colloquies the mother and the child passed a great deal of their time together . 娘儿两个这样谈体己话,一谈就是好些时候。
| 4. | The little colloquy between mother and son, did them some slight service in the opinion of the audience . 那母子间小小的对话,在旁听的者看来对他们产生了一些用处。
| 5. | They stopped , and engaged in a whispered colloquy 他们停下来,小声地交换了一下意见。
| 6. | They are not exhalations like our daily colloquies and vaporous breath 讲台之上何谓无碍辩才,通常即指学究所以为的巧言令色。
| 7. | Powell did not know why it was he had resolved to keep his own counsel as to his colloquy with mr smith 鲍威尔不知道为什么决定要把他跟史密斯先生的谈话保守秘密。
| 8. | The contents adds the to code the system " . the colloquy dvd sees the arithmetic figure to add the project . only the that the dvd that css admit to broadcast the to can just break password see data “内容加密编码系统” 。正式的dvd视频数字加密方案。仅css许可的dvd播放器才可以破译视频数据的密码。
| 9. | I beckoned it to come near me ; it stood soon at my knee . i never spoke to it , and it never spoke to me , in words ; but i read its eyes , and it read mine ; and our speechless colloquy was to this effect - 我招呼它走近我,它很快就站到了我的膝头上,我没有同它说话,它也没有同我说话,我猜透它的眼神,它也猜透了我的眼神。
| 10. | She had wandered , without rule or guidance , in a moral wilderness ; as vast , as intricate and shadowy , as the untamed forest , amid the gloom of which they were now holding a colloquy that was to decide their fate 她一直漫无目标地在道德的荒野中徘徊那荒野同这荒林一样广漠一样错综一样阴森,而他俩如今正在这幽暗的林中进行决定他们命运的会谈。