| 1. | Colonialism and neocolonialism are in the same strain . 新老殖民主义是一脉相传的。
| 2. | Colonialism has been a great stimulus to world trade . 殖民主义对世界贸易是一个巨大的促进。
| 3. | The post - colonialism context and translation studies 后殖民语境与翻译研究
| 4. | Walt whitman ' s post - colonialism and the nation building 惠特曼的后殖民迷情与国族建构
| 5. | Translation in context of cultural colonialism 文化殖民语境下的翻译实践
| 6. | What were gender relationships like before colonialism 在殖民政策前两性关系是什么样子?
| 7. | China ' s translation under the context of post - colonialism 后殖民语境下的中国翻译史和翻译策略
| 8. | Misunderstanding of the theory of post colonialism in chinese context 中国语境下的后殖民理论误区
| 9. | Colonialism culture - context and the rise of indian english fiction 殖民文化语境与印度英语小说的兴起
| 10. | Contentsmusical developmental viewpoint in the context of post - colonialism criticism 后殖民批评语境中的音乐发展观