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发布时间:2020-12-16 作者: 英语查
commandant 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.司令官;指挥官;防区[要塞]司令官。 2.〔美国〕(陆军军官学校的)校长。
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| an officer in command of a military unit 同义词:commanding officer, commander,
Commandant ( or ) is a title often given to the officer in charge of a military (or other uniformed service) training establishment or academy. This usage is common in anglophone nations. |
例句与用法 | 1. | The commandant issues a flat order . 司令官发布一道干脆的命令。
| | 2. | The commandant has had a rotten day . 司令官这一天过得真倒楣。
| | 3. | The commandant has nevertheless been compelled to look into the problem . 司令官仍然只好把这问题调查一下。
| | 4. | The gas-masked ss men on duty inside give the commandant a momentary remembrance of his service in the last war . 看见戴着防毒面具在屋内值勤的党卫军,司令官一时回想起上次大战时他当兵的情形。
| | 5. | An illuminating book on this subject, published some years before by a commandant de gaulle, and met with no response . 关于这个专题,几年以前,有一个名叫戴高乐的指挥官发表了一部富有启发性的著作,却没有引起任何反应。
| | 6. | By moving inside the wire of commandant amon goeth ' s camp - 迁入进去将会非常受益
| | 7. | The commandant of the entire u . s . coast guard . . 整个美国海岸警卫的总司令的… …
| | 8. | The commandant of the entire u . s . coast guard . . 整个美国海岸警卫的总司令的… …
| | 9. | - commandant on the bridge . - welcome aboard , sir -司令视察舰桥-欢迎上船,长官
| | 10. | By moving inside the wire of commandant amon goeth ' s camp - - 迁入进去将会非常受益
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