中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. 值得赞美[推荐]的,很好的。 adv. -ably ,-ness n.
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| in an admirable manner; "the children''s responses were admirably normal" 同义词:admirably, laudably, praiseworthily, admirably, laudably, praiseworthily,
| | in an admirable manner; "the children''s responses were admirably normal" 同义词:admirably, laudably, praiseworthily, admirably, laudably, praiseworthily,
| worthy of high praise; "applaudable efforts to save the environment"; "a commendable sense of purpose"; "laudable motives of improving housing conditions"; "a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence" 同义词:applaudable, laudable, praiseworthy,
例句与用法 | 1. | Such initiative is highly commendable . 这种积极性是很可贵的。
| | 2. | I granted her that this was a very commendable . 我承认这办法倒是值得赞美的。
| | 3. | Such carping is not commendable . 这样吹毛求疵真不大好。
| | 4. | His spirit of being ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause is commendable . 他那种见义勇为的精神是难能可贵的。
| | 5. | Miss ophelia, after this, did labor, with a commendable degree of real and energy . 从此以后,奥菲丽亚小姐果然以令人钦佩的热情和精力着手工作。
| | 6. | They have laid much too little emphasis on other more socially useful kinds of ethically commendable conduct . 对于其他一些有益于社会,从道德上讲是值得赞扬的品行,却强调得太少了。
| | 7. | I granted her that this was a very commendable thing, provided the poor children fell into good hands and were not abused and neglected by the nurses . 我承认假使这班可怜的孩子落在好人手里,不受保姆的欺负和虐待,这方法倒是值得赞美的。
| | 8. | While commendable , is not the kind of thing - - 尽管值得赞扬,但还不足以- -
| | 9. | While commendable , is not the kind of thing - - 尽管值得赞扬,但还不足以- -
| | 10. | That ' s commendable of you , nelson . now sit down 你说得很好,尼尔森坐下