| 1. | They all concurred in giving him the prize . 他们一致同意给他奖赏。
| 2. | Everything concurred to make him happy . 每一件事都凑在一起使他快活(幸福)。
| 3. | The judges all concurred in giving john the prize . 评判员都同意把奖品给约翰。
| 4. | His graduation day concurred with his birthday . 他毕业典礼的日子与生日同一天。
| 5. | The requisite conditions may seldom have concurred . 此等恰恰需要的条件,常难能凑合。
| 6. | We ask that you concur with us in directing this sublime movement of the people . 我们要求你们一同领导这场崇高的人民运动。
| 7. | Concurring with expectations, the degree of polymorphism was highest in the central . 正如所料,多型性程度在中部种群中最高。
| 8. | I'll do nothing that we both don't concur on, from now on and forever . 从现在起,凡不是我们俩一致同意的事,我都不干,而且永远如此。
| 9. | Habit and some degree of selection have probably concurred in civilizing by inheritance our dogs . 习惯和某种程度的淘汰,通过遗传的作用,大概足以使我们的犬类失去野性。
| 10. | Did all the members concur in getting a bank loan 委员们是否都同意向银行贷款。