中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.连合,结合,连接;联合;联系。 2.(事件的)同时发生。 3.【语法】连(接)词。 4.【天文学】(行星等的)会合,(月的)朔;【数学】契合,合取;【计算机】逻辑乘法,逻辑乘积。 短语和例子 coordinate [subordinate] conjunctions 并列[从属]连词。 in conjunction with 与…共同,与…协力,联络着;连带着。 adj. -al
| |
| something that joins or connects 同义词:junction,
| | the temporal property of two things happening at the same time; "the interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable" 同义词:concurrence, coincidence, co-occurrence,
| | an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences 同义词:conjunctive, connective, continuative,
| | (astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac 同义词:alignment,
| | the grammatical relation between linguistic units (words or phrases or clauses) that are connected by a conjunction
| | the state of being joined together 同义词:junction, conjugation, colligation,
例句与用法 | 1. | The two clauses are joined by a conjunction . 这两个分句由一个连词连在一起。
| | 2. | A telescopic device is used in conjunction with the prism . 棱镜与望远镜配合使用。
| | 3. | " as " is a conjunction and is used before a clause . “As”是连词,用于分句之前。
| | 4. | The word heat has been used only in conjunction with flow or transfer . 热这个字只在与流动或转移有关时才使用。
| | 5. | "but" said kennedy, who now habitually used that conjunction . “可是…”非常爱用这两个字的肯尼迪开口了。
| | 6. | It had not hurt him to sketch the project of their conjunction . 当他构想让他们结合的计划时,这个计划不曾伤害他。
| | 7. | In the conjunction of america and europe james had a rewarding theme . 詹姆斯在欧美的结合体里找到了一个有价值的题材。
| | 8. | The simplest fluctuation is the conjunction of two molecules to form a complex . 最简单的波动是两个分子结合形成缔合体。
| | 9. | It can work in conjunction with sales and promotional activities to clinch a deal . 它与销售与促销两项工作结合起来招揽生意。
| | 10. | Radl found hobs end on the map and examined it in conjunction with the photos . 拉德尔在地图上找到霍布斯岬后,就参考着照片研究起来。