中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.咒法家,邪术家;魔术师。 2.〔口语〕极聪明厉害的人。 短语和例子 He is no conjurer. 他不大行。 without being a conjurer 虽不怎样精明。
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| a witch doctor who practices conjury 同义词:conjuror, conjure man,
| | someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience 同义词:magician, prestidigitator, conjuror, illusionist,
例句与用法 | 1. | The conjurer magiced the bird away . 那个魔术师把鸟变没了。
| | 2. | The reputation of the conjurer was rapidly sinking below zero . 魔术师的信誉一下子下降到最低点。
| | 3. | He is no conjurer . 他不大行。
| | 4. | The conjurer threw the watch into the mortar and grasped a sledgehammer from the table . 魔术师把表扔进臼里,从桌子上拿起一把大锤。
| | 5. | The conjurer magicked the bird away 那个魔术师把鸟变没了
| | 6. | The conjurer waved his magic wand and pulled a rabbit out of the hat 魔术师挥动魔棒,便从帽子里拉出一只兔子。
| | 7. | N , archimage , conjurer , mage , sorcerer , warlock the boy wizard , created by british author j . k 这个由英国作家j . k .罗琳所创作的小巫师形象在俄罗斯引起了广泛争议。
| | 8. | That is neither self - indulgence nor a conjurer ' s trick ; it is a clause you must obey in order to make a happy marriage 这不是任性也不是耍小把戏;而是为了让婚姻幸福你必须遵循的条款。
| | 9. | All bumbling conjurers , clumsy squires , no - talent bards , and cowardly thieves in the land will be pre - emptively put to death 所有无能的魔术师、笨拙的随从、没有天份的吟游诗人、以及胆小的盗贼都将会事先被处死。
| | 10. | Then the magicians , conjurers , chaldeans , and diviners came in , and i told the dream to them ; but they could not make its interpretation known to me 7于是那些术士、用法术的、迦勒底人、观兆的都进来,我将那梦告诉了他们,他们却不能把梦的讲解告诉我。