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发布时间:2021-02-03 作者: 英语查

consolatory 是什么意思


安慰的。 a consolatory letter 慰问信。 consolatory words 安慰话。
affording comfort or solace
同义词:comforting, consoling,


1.Action is consolatory . it is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions

2.On the issue of japanese army to enlist the consolatory women by force during japanese invading china period

3.Action is consolatory . it is the enemy of thought and the friend of glittering illusions

4.This idea , consolatory in theory , i felt would be terrible if realised : with all my might i endeavoured to stifle it - i endeavoured to be firm

5.It seemed to him that he was thinking of nothing at all ; but somewhere deep down his soul was pondering something grave and consolatory

6.It was secular and non - judgmental : a kind of aural hug , perhaps all the more consolatory for coming from a stranger

7.She should neither wonder nor condemn , but the belief of his self - conquest brought nothing consolatory to her bosom , afforded no palliation of her distress

8.I encouraged doctor manette in this idea , because i felt that it might one day be consolatory to her . otherwise , she might think " his life was wantonly thrown away or wasted , " and that might trouble her
因为我感到到了某一天对露西可能是一种安慰,否则,她可能认为达尔内的生命是被人随意抛弃了的浪费了的,因而感到痛苦。 ”

9.A new soothing and consolatory feeling came upon him , as gazing at the little girls , he became aware of the existence of other human interests , utterly remote from him , and as legitimate as his own

10.Throughout there was a strange bitterness ; an absence of consolatory gentleness ; stern allusions to calvinistic doctrines - election , predestination , reprobation - were frequent ; and each reference to these points sounded like a sentence pronounced for doom

上一篇: consignment是什么意思

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