| 1. | Consolidation settlement occurs mainly in clays or silts . 压缩沉降主要出现在粘土或粉沙中。
| 2. | The reason for this tremendous consolidation is not hard to find . 这种产生大量合并的原因是不难发现的。
| 3. | Mechanization has contributed to the consolidation of farms in larger holdings . 机械化已使大型农场得到了巩固。
| 4. | Other factors that affect porosity are compaction, consolidation and cementation . 影响孔隙率的其它因素是压缩,固结和胶结
| 5. | During the late consolidation stage of sedimentation, mineralized solution are squeezed into fractures . 在沉积物固结的晚期,矿化溶液渗入到裂隙中。
| 6. | The consolidation of the crust can hardly have occured less than 20 or more than 40 million years ago . 地壳的凝固不会少于2000万年,或多于4000万年。
| 7. | Large-scale consolidation and compaction of soil were responsible for a major part of the destruction . 大部分破坏都是由于土壤的大规模固结和压密所造成的。
| 8. | The area of consolidation can be defined by comparing the sound with that heard in surrounding normal areas . 实变区可通过对比周围正常区域所听到的声音来确定。
| 9. | The consolidation movement came to a halt in 1904, chiefly because about every branch of industry susceptible of combination had been combined . 合并运动在1904年暂时停顿,主要是由于几乎每一易于合并的工业部门都已合并。
| 10. | Detention centre consolidation amendment order 2002 2002年劳教中心综合修订令