中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. 1.相抵触[矛盾]的。 2.爱争辩的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
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例句与用法 | 1. | Last , the passage probed the problems of the rehypothecation of the mortgage house . the regulation is contradictious in this land in our country . the writer thinks it is feasible that the remainder of what the mortgage house secures 最后,本文探讨了按揭的商品房的再进行抵押问题,我国法律在这方面的规定是相互矛盾的,笔者认为将按揭房屋所担保的余额进行再次抵押是可行的。
| | 2. | In the end , the paper demonstrates the application of the model with two listed companies in china , younger and kelong . it makes some calculation based on the initial experts grading , and gets basic status of the two companies by the analysis of weights , relative importance and effect of each factor . the results from the model are not contradictious to those from professional credit rating companies , who usually evaluate firms through financial analysis and on - site investigation 最后本文以上市公司雅戈尔和科龙为例,在专家初始评分基础上进行了有关运算,说明了模型的运用过程,通过关于因素权重分析、因素相对重要性分析和单因素作用分析得到了关于企业的基本状况,本文的结论和专业资信评价公司利用传统财务分析加上实地考察法的结果不矛盾,说明了本文建立模型的科学性和适用性。