中文翻译与英英解释 | n. (pl. contraltos, -ti ) 【音乐】女低音;女低音歌手[角色]。 adj. 女低音的。
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| the lowest female singing voice 同义词:alto,
| | a woman singer having a contralto voice
| of or being the lowest female voice 同义词:alto,
A contralto is a type of classical female singing voice whose vocal range is the lowest female voice type, with the lowest tessitura. The contralto's vocal range falls between tenor and mezzo-soprano; typically between the F below middle C (F3 in scientific pitch notation) to the second G above middle C (G5), although at the extremes some voices can reach the E below middle C (E3) or the second B above middle C (B5). |
例句与用法 | 1. | Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn . 院子里,一个嘶哑的女低音在吟诵赞美诗。
| | 2. | With the gloom of the contraltos added, one could scarcely help shuddering . 紧接着是忧郁的女低音,谁都禁不住直打寒战。
| | 3. | Mamma ! her childish contralto rang out over the table 整个餐桌都听见她的低沉洪亮的童音。
| | 4. | Female singers are classified as sopranos , mezzo - sopranos and contraltos 女歌手分为女高音、女低音和女中音。
| | 5. | A gifted young contralto 有天赋的年轻女低音歌手
| | 6. | The thai dance and the english contralto singer were of professional standard 泰国舞蹈及英国女低音具专业水准。
| | 7. | Then placing herself in the full light of the lamp which lit the yard , - " gate ! " cried she , with her finest contralto voice , and rapping at the window 然后,她走到那盏照亮前庭的灯光底下,一面拍打窗门,一面压低了声音喊: “开门! ”
| | 8. | Wong yee man , a cantonese opera teacher who specialises in soprano and contralto singing , has accumulated many years of experience performing and singing on stage 黄绮雯导师?香港曲艺界资深名唱家,平、子喉俱佳,尤擅演绎任、白名曲,有二十多年舞台演唱经验。