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发布时间:2021-02-22 作者: 英语查

contrail 是什么意思


an artificial cloud created by an aircraft; caused either by condensation due to the reduction in air pressure above the wing surface or by water vapor in the engine exhaust
同义词:condensation trail,

Contrails (; short for "condensation trails") or vapor trails are long thin artificial clouds that sometimes form behind aircraft. Their formation is most often triggered by the water vapour in the exhaust of aircraft engines, but can also be triggered by the changes in air pressure in wingtip vortices or in the air over the entire wing surface.


1.The word " contrail " comes from condensation trails
英文" contrail "意即是凝结

2.Condensation trails contrails produced by aircraft

3.The development contrail and the internal difference of novels written by shanghai school woman writers

4.Another well - known example involves the appearance of aircraft contrails figure 2 in winter time

5.Another well - known example involves the appearance of aircraft contrails ( figure 2 ) in winter time
另一众所周知的例子是飞机在冬天的尾流(图二) 。

6.When this hot water vapour mixes with the surrounding air , a cloud in the form of a contrail may appear

7.Application of stepwise regression analysis in move contrail fitting of automobile gear shifting manipulator

8.When this hot water vapour mixes with the surrounding air , a cloud in the form of a contrail may appear . figure 2

9.By the frame of the theory of institutional innovation , we may post the contrail of the third way more syllabically

10.This evidence supported the hypothesis that contrails reduce the temperature range by cooling the atmosphere during the day and heating it at night

上一篇: contradance是什么意思

下一篇: contraindicate是什么意思
