| 1. | The use of cryotherapy is absolutely contraindicated . 冷冻治疗的应用是绝对禁忌的。
| 2. | Prophylactic antibiotics are definitely contraindicated . 预防性的使用抗菌素肯定是禁忌的。
| 3. | However , there are side effects and these drugs are contraindicated in patients with certain 然而,这些药物亦有副作用及不适宜用于某类心脏病或曾
| 4. | In the latter , emergency surgery is the first choice and thrombolytic therapy is absolutely contraindicated 后者紧急手术是治疗首选,而血栓溶解治疗是绝对禁忌。
| 5. | In addition , this form of testing is contraindicated for patients with critical obstructive cardiac or cerebrovascular diseases 此外,该试验禁用于有严重心脑阻塞性疾患者。
| 6. | However , there are side effects and these drugs are contraindicated in patients with certain heart diseases and stroke 然而,这些药物亦有副作用及不适宜用于某类心脏病或曾
| 7. | Offer water or juice to help client swallow medications . give cold carbonated water if available and not contraindicated 提供水或果汁帮助病人吞药。如无禁忌,也可用碳酸水送服。
| 8. | Vaccination is also contraindicated in pregnant women , infants , and people with hypersensitivity reactions to previous vaccination 此疫苗亦不适用于怀孕妇女、一岁以下婴儿或过去曾对疫苗有过敏反应的人士。
| 9. | When rosiglitazone was first authorised in the eu in 2000 , it was contraindicated in patients with a history of cardiac failure 2000年欧盟首次批准使用罗格列酮时,就其应用于心衰病史患者身上就存在着争议。
| 10. | Chemonucleolysis is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to papaya or who have previously been injected with chymopapain 对番木瓜过敏的病人,或以前曾经注射过木瓜凝乳蛋白酶的人,化学核溶解法是禁忌证。