| 1. | Effect of contralateral hearing aid for on performance of cochlear implant user 人工耳蜗植入者对侧耳佩戴助听器的效果评价
| 2. | There is controversy concerning its use with a normal contralateral kidney 至于对侧仍是正常肾脏的病人而言,是否实施此项手术,目前仍有争议。
| 3. | Clinical observation on treating trigeminal neuralgic with the method of contralateral insertion on the face 面部腧穴缪刺法治疗原发性三叉神经痛临床观察
| 4. | The improvements even reached normal levels as compared with the contralateral knee 此外,依据膝关节组织的功能评比,比术前也有显著改进( 86分对52分) 。
| 5. | The haematoma on one side was treated with hirudoid cream and that of the contralateral side with placebo 一侧的血肿用喜疗妥软膏治疗,对侧则用安慰剂。
| 6. | Enhancing chinese speech recognition for cochlear implant users by using hearing aid in the contralateral ear 联合使用助听器和增强电子耳蜗的使用者的中文语音识别
| 7. | Results visceral nociceptive evoked responses of 148 neurons in acg to stimulating contralateral gsn were recorded 结果共记录扣带回前部148个神经元的内脏痛觉诱发反应。
| 8. | We present the clinical and fluorescein angiographic features of a case of unilateral coats ' disease with contralateral congenital retinal macrovessel 右眼未做任何处置,病人无抱怨任何不适且视力可矫正至壹点零。
| 9. | Conclusion : the cortical branches occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery may cause the symptoms of contralateral hemiplegia , murism or apathy 结论:大脑前动脉皮质支闭塞,可以造成对侧偏瘫、精神缄默或淡漠症侯群。
| 10. | Spinal angiograph showed that most of the intercostal arteries in thorax region were connected transversely with the contralateral isonym arteries 超选择性血管造影显示胸、腰段,毗邻的节段动脉之间及与对侧同名动脉之间有广泛吻合。