| 1. | Contrapuntal harmony at the end of the book 在书的最后有特殊对位音型
| 2. | Contrapuntal harmony at the end of the book 在书的最后有特殊对位音型
| 3. | Gifted with a marvelous spontaneous melody , mozart ' s music , even in his strictest contrapuntal compositions , possesses a simplicity and na ? ve grace which charms all hearers 莫扎特的音乐富有一种家庭成员的自然旋律,即使是他的最严谨的对位作品,都具有能使听从着迷的质朴和纯真魅力。
| 4. | His compositions are notable for their continuous contrapuntal texture , rich harmonies and orchestration , and elaborate use of leitmotifs : themes associated with specific characters or situations 他的作品拥有连续的对位织体、丰富的和声及管弦乐编曲、与人物和场景搭配的精致主旋律。
| 5. | In the grapes of wrath steinbeck has achieved an interesting contrapuntal effect by breaking the narrative at intervals with short , impressionistic passages recorded as though by a motion picture camera moving quickly from one scene to another and from one focus to another 在《愤怒的葡萄》一书中,斯坦贝克不时打断故事的叙述,插进一些简练的、印象式的段落,取得有趣的对位衬托效果,仿佛是在用一架电影照相机作纪录似的,很快从一幕场景换为另一幕场景,从一个焦点转到另一个焦点。