中文翻译与英英解释 | sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation 同义词:attrition, contriteness,
Contrition or contritenessFree dictionary (from the Latin contritus 'ground to pieces', i.e. |
例句与用法 | 1. | In contrition she expatiated on the beauty of the garden . 在后悔中,她反复谈论着花园的美丽。
| | 2. | Still , an act of perfect contrition 不过,彻底悔罪也能获得赦免24 。
| | 3. | Are you ready to make your contrition 你准备好忏悔了么?
| | 4. | Are you ready to make a contrition 你准备好忏悔了么?
| | 5. | Through her own contrition , karen learned that she herself was weak and afraid 通过自我反省,凯伦意识到她自己也很脆弱、胆怯。
| | 6. | " the lawless pair had no contrition and regrets about what they were doing . they even found it amusing that an auxiliary police officer was aiding a government counsel to jump bail and abscond 这名律师当时身兼辅警总督察之职,竟然会帮上一名律政署律师弃保潜逃,他们两人还以此作为说笑话题,可谓目无法纪。
| | 7. | All those acquaintances , who had so often dined and danced in his house , and had so often laughed at his expense , were saying now with the same inward feeling of contrition and self - reproach , as though seeking to justify themselves : yes , whatever he may have been , he was a splendid man 所有这些常在他家吃饭跳舞,并且时常嘲笑他的人们,现在都怀着悔恨和内疚的心情,仿佛向谁作自我辩解似地说: “不管怎么说,他是一个极好的人。
| | 8. | And careworn hearts were there and toilers for their daily bread and many who had erred and wandered , their eyes wet with contrition but for all that bright with hope for the reverend father hughes had told them what the great saint bernard said in his famous prayer of mary , the most pious virgin s intercessory power that it was not recorded in any age that those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her 那些饱经忧患的心灵,为每天的面包操劳的,众多误入歧途,到处流浪的。他们的眼睛被悔恨之泪打湿,却又放出希望的光辉,因为可敬的休神父曾经把伟大的圣伯尔纳在他那篇歌颂玛利亚的著名祷文39中所说的话告诉过他们:任何时代也不曾记载过,那些恳求最虔诚的童贞玛利亚为之祈祷有力地保护他们的人,曾被她所遗弃。
| | 9. | Those faithful who have committed grave sins and who , for hygienic reasons , find it morally impossible to confess individually to a priest , may receive holy communion after making an act of perfect contrition . however , they must resolve to confess , as soon as the sars outbreak has been contained , each of the grave sins which cannot for the moment be confessed ( cf 教友如犯了重罪,但基于卫生理由,难以个别地向司铎办告解,则可勉力发上等痛悔,并可领圣体,惟必须在疫症受控制后,尽快办告解,妥当告明尚未告的重罪。
| | 10. | 2 those faithful who have committed grave sins and who , for hygienic reasons , find it morally impossible to confess individually to a priest , may receive holy communion after making an act of perfect contrition . however , they must resolve to confess , as soon as the sars outbreak has been contained , each of the grave sins which cannot for the moment be confessed cf 二教友如犯了重罪,但基于卫生理由,难以个别地向司铎办告解,则可勉力发上等痛悔,并可领圣体,惟必须在疫症受控制后,尽快办告解,妥当告明尚未告的重罪。