| 1. | At the convalescent home, aeron's daily ration of custard, requiring an egg, was regarded as royal fare . 在疗养院里,埃伦每天能吃到一份配给的牛奶旦冻。这种只消一只鸡蛋就能制成的旦冻已被认为是上等点心。
| 2. | He ' s getting along hand over hand ; he ' ll soon be convalescent 他的情况逐步有了起色,不久就会康复的。
| 3. | She lives in a convalescent home ; she is about ninety years old 她已经很老了快九十岁,住在老人院里。
| 4. | At last he was pronounced upon the mend - and then convalescent 后来,他竟生机重现接着便慢慢康复了。
| 5. | Clinical observation on convalescent stage of wind stroke with acupuncture 针灸对中风早期康复的疗效观察
| 6. | Convalescent homes are too cruel 老人院真是太残忍了!
| 7. | Chinese journal of convalescent medicine 中国疗养医学
| 8. | At last she was pronounced upon the mend and then convalescent 她的病情终于宣告有了好转?不久就恢复健康了。
| 9. | Effect on functioal recoveny in cerebral apoplexy patients by early convalescent nursing 早期康复护理对脑卒中偏瘫功能恢复的影响
| 10. | Henry ' s wound had healed and he was due to take convalescent leave in october 亨利的伤口愈合了,预定十月间他可以享受一段康复假。