| 1. | We were shipwrecked on a deserted island . 我们遭遇海难而困在荒岛上。
| 2. | Her virtue is like a pathless desert . 她的品德象一片人迹难到的沙漠。
| 3. | He will be punished according to his deserts . 他将受到应有的惩罚。
| 4. | The climate is very dry in the desert area .. 沙漠地区气候很干燥。
| 5. | Imagine yourself to be on a desert island . 设想你处在一个荒岛上。
| 6. | He had deserted the office without leave . 他没有请假就擅离职守。
| 7. | That wretch deserted his wife and children . 那个卑鄙的家伙遗弃了妻小。
| 8. | Eugene found dixieland almost deserted . 尤金发现南国宾馆几乎门可罗雀。
| 9. | Turnus was deserted by his celestial allies . 图努斯已为天国盟友所摈弃。
| 10. | The masses are in rebellion and one 's friends are deserting . 众叛亲离。