| 1. | This is the catch in designing planes . 这是在设计飞机中的棘手难题。
| 2. | The designs in the rug are well proportioned . 地毯上的图案很匀称。
| 3. | Such a large design has been created . 如此庞大的设计,已被创设出来。
| 4. | Other designs might afterwards arise . 别的意图可能是以后才产生的。
| 5. | Our course must thwart those designs . 我们的方针是必须挫败那种企图。
| 6. | We design kitchens for today 's cooks . 我们为当今一代的厨师设计厨房。
| 7. | It was not my design to surprise a secret . 我不是故意要戳穿一个秘密。
| 8. | The cutters for fibre strands are simple in design . 原丝切刀造型简单。
| 9. | These designs have been tried in the usa . 这种设计已在美国试用。
| 10. | A certain king had designs on her . 有个国王已经在打她的主意了。