| 1. | Eager yells echoed through the ship . 压抑不住的叫嚷声在潜艇上回荡。
| 2. | They are eager to buy their government bonds . 他们热心购买政府债券。
| 3. | They are eager to buy their government bonds . 他们热心购买公债。
| 4. | It was eager to be tame and cultivated . 它急于要想变得温顺优雅。
| 5. | She was so slim, so white, so eager ! 她是那么婀娜,那么白皙,那么热切!
| 6. | She was so slim, so white, so eager ! 她那么地婀娜,那么白皙,那么热切!
| 7. | They were eager to do business with us . 他们极想与我们做生意。
| 8. | The wish was rather eager than lasting . 这种愿望虽然来得急切,但并不持久。
| 9. | I am eager after news about them . 我渴望得到有关他们的消息。
| 10. | They entered into eager colloquy with each other . 他们展开热切的相互交谈。