| 1. | Spirally enwound structure - wall pipes of high density polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯缠绕结构壁管材
| 2. | Development of used plastic film collector machine in idler wheel enwind 滚轮缠绕式残膜回收机的研制
| 3. | Application on heat - shrink converge enwind connection of high voltage tension cable in mine 高压电缆辐射交联热缩接头在煤矿中的应用
| 4. | Polyethylene structure - wall piping system for underground usage part 2 : polyethylene spirally enwound structure - wall pipes 埋地用聚乙烯pe结构壁管道系统第2部分:聚乙烯缠绕结构壁管材