中文翻译与英英解释 | n. (pl. -s, -nae ) 【动物;动物学】针鼹。
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| a burrowing monotreme mammal covered with spines and having a long snout and claws for hunting ants and termites; native to Australia 同义词:spiny anteater, anteater,
| | a burrowing monotreme mammal covered with spines and having a long snout and claws for hunting ants and termites; native to New Guinea 同义词:spiny anteater, anteater,
例句与用法 | 1. | He echidna uses its long sticky tongue to catch ants . the echidna and the platypus are the only existing egg - laying mammals -针利用富黏性的长舌捕食蚂蚁,它与鸭嘴兽是仅存的卵生哺乳类动物。
| | 2. | Ollie " , a kookaburra , " syd " , a platypus ; and " millie " , an echidna , are three native animals chosen as mascots for the sydney 2000 games 澳利悉德米利, 2000年悉尼奥运会吉祥物。它们是三个澳洲本土动物,分别代表土地空气和水。
| | 3. | Command , you can display the contents of disk 1 of the software evaluation kit : echidna : ls cdrom . contents . disc g2458531 sg245850 sg246228 template . css . 另外,使这些基本的ui元素全局化强调了这样一个事实:它们可以在整个函数中使用。
| | 4. | Although less comprehensive , the mammal collection nevertheless has a good variety , including such diverse creatures as australia ' s egg - laying mammal , the echidna , and the world ' s third - largest cat , the jaguar 园内饲养的哺乳类动物,种类虽不及雀鸟全面,但也种类繁多,由针鼹(一种产卵的哺乳类动物)以至属于世界上第三大猫科动物的美洲虎都有。