| 1. | Textured yarns that have been programmed for extraordinary extensibility are known as stretch yarns . 具有特别伸长性的变形纱称为弹丝。
| 2. | The general extensibility model has a properties 常规扩展性模型在三个对象中具有
| 3. | This is provided for future extensibility purposes 提供此参数是为了将来扩展用。
| 4. | Extensibility of fully cycle of 5 - vertex connected graphs 点连通图的完全圈可扩性
| 5. | Object . in the general extensibility model , the generic 在常规扩展性模型中,泛型
| 6. | Extensibility is a difficult metric to gauge 可扩展性是一个比较难衡量的标准。
| 7. | Property returns the top - level extensibility object 属性返回顶级扩展性对象。
| 8. | Automation and extensibility for visual studio Visual studio的自动化和扩展性
| 9. | Visual j extensibility object model for projects >用于项目的visual j #扩展性对象模型
| 10. | Assemblies project extensibility project types more 程序集项目扩展性项目类型更多信息