| 1. | Ligaments contain protein elastin . 韧带还含有弹性蛋白。
| 2. | The polypepticle chains in elastin are present in a random arrangement . 弹性蛋白内的多肽链以一种纹乱的排列而存在。
| 3. | They have a yellowish color owing to the accumulation of elastin in the media . 因中膜中含有很多弹性纤维所以呈黄色。
| 4. | Collagen and elastin provide the strength and resiliency of connective tissues such as skin and ligaments . 胶原和弹性蛋白使象皮肤和韧带这样的结缔组织具有韧性和弹性。
| 5. | Main ingredients : olive , elastin , molding resin , plant amylose and silk protein hydrolysate 主要成份:橄榄、弹力素、定型树脂、植物多糖、水解丝蛋白。
| 6. | But there are not many products in the market place that can really help enhancing elastin 但市面上并没有太多护肤品能提升弹性蛋白,令皮肤回复年轻紧致。
| 7. | Main ingredients : gingko essence , fibrin , natural plant cation , vitamin b5 , elastin and etc 主要成分:银杏精华、纤维蛋白、天然植物阳离子、维他命原b5 、弹力素等。
| 8. | Aloe hydrate factor and elastin extract , persistently hydrate skin and effectively smoothen fine lines 芦荟保湿成份及弹力蛋白精华,长效保湿的同时,有效抚平细纹。
| 9. | Main ingredients : camellia powder , avocado , heronsbill , aloe essence , elastin , rose oil and etc 主要成分:山茶花粉、牛油果、太阳花、芦荟精华油、弹力素、玫瑰油等。
| 10. | Main ingredients : grape vine , moisturizing shining cells , bone collagen , elastin , anti - static cells and etc 主要成分:葡萄藤、保湿闪亮因子、骨胶原素、弹力素、防静电因子等。