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发布时间:2020-08-07 作者: 英语查
englishman 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | n. (pl. -men ) 1.英吉利人,英国人;英国男子。 2.英国船只。
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例句与用法 | 1. | He is an englishman through and through . 他是地地道道的英国人。
| | 2. | Like all englishmen he was a merchant . 和所有的英国人一样,他也是个商人。
| | 3. | Never before had englishmen heard such a speech . 英国人从来没有听过这样的演说。
| | 4. | Not to mention that all englishmen are born heretics . 且不说英国人都是天生的异端分子。
| | 5. | Happily, the minds of englishmen have an horror of murder . 幸亏英国人对杀人害命深恶痛绝。
| | 6. | He is an englishman who has many typically english characteristics . 他是地地道道的英国人。
| | 7. | The englishman seemed to appreciate this extreme delicacy . 英国人似乎很欣赏这一番极其委婉的话。
| | 8. | The inspector begged the englishman to seat himself in an armchair . 典狱长请英国人坐在一张圈椅里。
| | 9. | The englishman prizes privacy, the american prefers sociability . 英国人珍视独处;美国人则喜欢社交。
| | 10. | To bear malice is more like a frenchman than an englishman . 容忍恶意是法国人的派头,而不是英国人的。
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