| 1. | The emery is a hard metallic substance 金刚砂是非常坚硬的金属物质。
| 2. | It says " emery animal hospital " on the side . i ' m locked inside the back 旁边写着爱莫里动物医院我被锁在后厢里面
| 3. | Stainless steel sheet with polished surface processed with fiber emery wheel 用纤维砂轮加工的不锈钢板材的表面。
| 4. | Emery roller rice polisher 1 砂辊碾米机1
| 5. | Manicure set , nail files foam files , emery boards , nail buffer , sapphire files 指甲护理套装,指甲锉,指甲钳,装饰指甲
| 6. | We wanted to put the two results together , " emery added in a statement 我们想把两者的结果结合起来。 ”埃莫里补充说。
| 7. | Emery said he now wanted to test people using music of their own choice 埃莫里说,他现在想要测试一下那些自己选择音乐的人。
| 8. | George w . emery 乔治w埃默里
| 9. | Inspect machined seat area for nicks and mineral build up clean with emery cloth 检查机加工阀座区域是否有砂布清洗后留下的刻痕或矿物。
| 10. | Fine sand cloth or emery cloth may be used with the same precautions 细砂布或金刚砂布可以采用,但和采用钢丝刷一样也要避免对金属过分清除。