| 1. | Relationship of iron deficiency erythropoiesis and trace elements 铁缺乏症早期与微量元素关系
| 2. | Erythropoiesis stimulating factor , esf 促红细胞生成因子素
| 3. | The regulating roles of transcription factors in embryonic erythropoiesis 胚胎期红系造血中转录因子的调控作用
| 4. | Folic acid supplementation is used to improve erythropoiesis in chronic hemolytic anemia 慢性溶血性贫血患者使用叶酸治疗可促进红细胞生成。
| 5. | It is likely that the hemoglobin targets recommended in clinical practice guidelines will be lowered in response to the findings of these trials , and reimbursement policies for erythropoiesis - stimulating agents might be altered 与这些试验结果相呼应,临床实践指南中所推荐的血红蛋白靶目标可能会调低,对刺激红细胞生成药物的补偿政策也能也会改变。