| 1. | Persistent soil seed bank of eupatorium adenophorum 长久性紫茎泽兰土壤种子库
| 2. | Study on the allelopathy of eupatorium catarium veldkamp 假臭草化感作用研究
| 3. | Study on the flavonoids of eupatorium lindleyanum 野马追中黄酮类成分的研究
| 4. | Rp - hplc determination of quercetin in eupatorium lindleyanum 猫爪草多糖及蛋白含量测定
| 5. | Determination of trace elements on eupatorium lindleyanum dc by using icp - aes 法测定中药野马追的微量元素
| 6. | Determination of amino acids in eupatorium lindleyanum dc . by pre - column derivatization rp - hplc 测定中药野马追中的氨基酸
| 7. | The influence of topographical factors on the invasion of the alien species , eupatorium adenophorum 地形因素对外来入侵种紫茎泽兰的影响
| 8. | Relationships between allelopathy and invasiveness by eupatorium adenophorum at different sites 不同生境条件下紫茎泽兰化感作用的变化与入侵力关系的研究
| 9. | Parasitism of procecidochares utilis and its effect on growth and reproduction of eupatorium adenophorum 泽兰实蝇寄生状况及其对紫茎泽兰生长与生殖的影响
| 10. | Impact of leakage electrolyte of eupatorium adenophorum caused by pathotoxins from lecanosticta acicola on growth of several fungi 松针褐斑病毒素诱发紫茎泽兰电解质渗漏对几种真菌的影响