| 1. | Eye for an eye was drawn from exodus . “以牙还牙”引自《出埃及记》。
| 2. | An exodus of cars come from the city every evening . 每天傍晚大批汽车从城里开出来。
| 3. | Every summer there is an exodus from the city . 每年夏季都有很多人成群离开这座城市。
| 4. | I was nevertheless participating my intention in the customary exodus from watts . 我仍然加入了惯常的逃出瓦茨的人群。
| 5. | The flight from family and occupational responsibility has become an exodus . 逃离家庭和逃避职业责任已成为一种移民形式。
| 6. | Man's great challenge at this moment is to prevent his exodus from this planet . 人在当前所遇到的最大挑战,就是要防止人从这个星球上消失。
| 7. | All through the developing world the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already . 在整个发展中的世界里,退出农村而向城市迁徙的先锋已经到达了城市的边缘。
| 8. | In the upswing of the long construction cycle, the rural exodus was directed internally to the industrial cities . 在一个长建设周期的繁荣阶段,农村人口的大批外流是流向国内各个工业城市。
| 9. | As the largest refugee exodus in modern history 这是近代史上最大的一次难民潮
| 10. | As the largest refugee exodus in modern history 这是近代史上最大的一次难民潮