| 1. | Conducting exfoliation corrosion tests in aluminum alloys 进行铝合金的剥离腐蚀试验
| 2. | Study on feasibility of kaolinite exfoliation by intercalation - sonication 超声法剥片可行性研究
| 3. | The effects of annealing on al6mgsc alloy ' s mechanical and exfoliation properties 合金力学性能与剥落腐蚀性能的影响
| 4. | Review on the intergranular corrosion and exfoliation corrosion of aluminum alloys 几种时效工艺下1420铝锂合金性能研究
| 5. | Intergranular and exfoliation corrosion behavior of sc - containing al - cu - li - zr alloy 合金的抗晶间腐蚀和剥落腐蚀性能
| 6. | Study on intergranular corrosion and exfoliation corrosion behaviors of 2195 al - li alloy 锂合金晶间腐蚀及剥蚀行为研究
| 7. | Effects of annealing temperature on exfoliation properties of al6mgsc and 2101 alloys 合金和2101合金剥落腐蚀性能的影响
| 8. | Corrosion of metals and alloys - exfoliation corrosion testing of aluminium alloys 金属与合金的腐蚀.铝合金的剥落腐蚀试验
| 9. | So it will hinder the intercalation or exfoliation of the polymer at some extent 总之,聚合物插层的效果是多方面因素综合影响的结果。
| 10. | The damage of super - duralium caused in environment is mostly exfoliation corrosion 超硬铝合金在环境中的损伤,绝大多数情况下属于剥离腐蚀。