| 1. | The jungle swallowed up the explorers . 探险人员消失在密林里了。
| 2. | The explorers were faint from hunger and cold . 探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪。
| 3. | Christopher columbus was one of the great explorers . 克里斯托弗哥伦布是伟大的探险家。
| 4. | The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream . 探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游划去。
| 5. | Explorers traced the nile river to its several headstreams in central africa . 探险者在中非找到了尼罗河的几处源头。
| 6. | Mental as well as geographical horizons were receding before eager explorers . 精神上、地理上的壁垒都在热切的探索者面前退缩。
| 7. | Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards , they can 't stop the dauntless explorers . 纵有千难万险,也挡不住英勇的探险队员。
| 8. | There are thousands of pictures and other scientific information obtained by robot explorers . 有数千幅照片和其他科学信息是靠遥控探测器弄到的。
| 9. | Without such systems the lunar explorers would still be spinning in simulators on earth . 如没有此种系统,月球探险者至今仍在地球上的模拟器中旋转。
| 10. | In 1929 , the american explorer , r. e. byrd , successfully flew over the south pole for the first time . 美国探险家REByrd于1929年首次成功地飞越南极。