中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. 1.前面的 (opp. hind, back, aft)。 2.先前的。 短语和例子 the fore part of an aircraft 飞机的前部。 adv. 在前面,在船头。 , 〔方言〕在前。 n. 前部;头;前桅;(马等的)前腿。 at the fore (信号旗)悬在前桅上,在最前。 come to the fore 发作,涌现出来,出人头地;惹人注意。 to the fore 1. 在前面,在显著地位。 2. 在场;立即有用;(钱等)在手边。3.活着。 int. (打高尔夫球时的叫声)前面的人让开!〔后面又有人要击球了〕。
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| near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane; "the captain went fore (or forward) to check the instruments" 同义词:forward, forward,
| | near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane; "the captain went fore (or forward) to check the instruments" 同义词:forward, forward,
| situated at or toward the bow of a vessel
| front part of a vessel or aircraft; "he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line" 同义词:bow, prow, stem,
例句与用法 | 1. | Your seat's in the fore part of the aircraft . 你的座位在飞机前部。
| | 2. | She came alongside and raked him fore and aft . 她倒对他展开近战,全面开火。
| | 3. | Later, his religious temperament came to the fore . 后来他显露出了他的宗教气质。
| | 4. | I have the gift of fore knowledge . 我能够未卜先知。
| | 5. | Annie came to the fore to give lou time to recover himself . 安尼连忙接腔答话,以便娄有时间来稳定情绪。
| | 6. | Fuler put the method in the fore from about 1750 on . 大约从1750年开始,富勒把这种方法提到了重要的位置。
| | 7. | The sailor went fore to see that the sail was properly in place . 水手走到船头看帆是否已在正确的位置上。
| | 8. | This innervate the adjacent region of the fore and middle intestine . 这就为前肠和中肠的邻接部分提供了神经。
| | 9. | Fore god, my lord, well spoken, with good accent and good discretion . 上帝在上,老爷,您念得好极了,真是抑扬顿挫,曲尽其妙。
| | 10. | Furthermore, a number of significant new topics have come to the fore in recent years . 而且,一些有意义的新课题近年来已经出现。