| 1. | For i have sworn before you and almighty god the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago . 因为我刚才向你们,向万能的上帝宣读的庄严誓词,是我们先辈早在将近175年前就拟定了的同样誓词。
| 2. | For more on rss , the forebear of atom , see 关于atom的前身rss ,更多信息请参阅:
| 3. | I had much ado to forebear laughing 我费了很大的劲才忍住笑。
| 4. | And its forebears 及其前一期文章。
| 5. | In the old testament , a son of jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of israel 迦得旧约圣经中雅各的儿子,他是以色列族一个部落的祖先
| 6. | The late maori queen was buried among five royal forebears , six days after her death at 75 逝世6天后,毛利女王被埋葬于五位皇族先祖身旁,享年75岁。
| 7. | All the rigid rule of his forebears , all the domination of an unjust social order , grip him 父辈的严峻的法规,不公平的社会制度,把他牢牢地控制住了。
| 8. | They sweep the graveyard , offer sacrifices , and burn spirit money to pay respects to their forebears 他们清扫墓地、献上祭品、焚烧纸钱,以表达对先人的敬意。
| 9. | It aims to glorify and to instil pride in their ancestors and to exhort the future generations to emulate their illustrious forebears 其目的更是要褒扬祖宗,使后代引以为荣,代代效法。
| 10. | For i have sworn before you and almighty god the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three - quarters ago 因此,我在你们和全能的上帝面前就照着我们祖先175年前写下的誓言庄严地宣誓。