| 1. | Forebrain nmda receptors contribute to neuronal spike responses in adult mice 成年小鼠前脑nmda受体参与神经元的动作电位发放
| 2. | Differential expression of genes in the pigeon forebrain after removal of the left retina 单眼视网膜摘除后鸽左右前脑基因的差异表达
| 3. | Role of melatonin in the forebrain striatum apoptosis in rat models of parkinson disease 褪黑激素影响帕金森病模型大鼠前脑纹状体细胞的凋亡
| 4. | Amnesic patients made far more errors , especially those with basal forebrain damage 失忆症患者所犯的错误要多得多,尤其是基底前脑受创的患者。
| 5. | The neuroprotection of ketamine and midazolam in a rat model of transient forebrain cerebral ischemia 氯胺酮和咪唑安定对全脑缺血大鼠的脑保护作用
| 6. | Astroglial responses in hippocampal ca1 region and effects of moderat e hypothermia after transient forebrain ischemia in gerbils 1区星形细胞反应及亚低温的影响
| 7. | Establishment of a model on acute forebrain ischemia complicated by multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( mods ) 。 大鼠急性前脑缺血致多器官功能障碍综合征模型的建立。
| 8. | Although the platypuses ' forebrains were inactive during sleep , the brain stem was active . so are platypuses dreaming 尽管鸭嘴兽的前脑在睡眠中不活动,脑干却是活动着的,那么鸭嘴兽是在做梦吗?
| 9. | Enhancement in activities of calcium activated potassium channels in ca1 pyramidal neurons of rat hippocampus after transient forebrain ischemia 通道感受细胞内的代谢状态,进而调节细胞膜的兴奋性。
| 10. | Effects of genistein on the expression of nitric oxide synthase in neurons of basal forebrain and cognitive function in ovariectomized rats 对去卵巢后大鼠基底前脑神经元一氧化氮合酶表达及认知功能的影响