| 1. | The veins in his forehead were very heavy . 额上的青筋显得更加突出。
| 2. | She struck her forehead with her clenched fist . 她握紧拳头打着前额。
| 3. | Dalleson knitted his heavy forehead . 达尔生皱紧了那厚墩墩的前额。
| 4. | Montanelli drew one hand across his forehead . 蒙太尼里用手擦了下额头。
| 5. | Beads of pain broke out on her forehead . 痛得她额头上爆出一颗颗汗珠子。
| 6. | She passed her hand across her forehead . 她用手抹了一下额头。
| 7. | He ran his hand over his massive forehead . 他用手抹了一下他那宽大的前额。
| 8. | Is a high forehead indicative of great mental power ? 前额高表示智慧高吗?
| 9. | His forehead was ridged with anxiety . 他的前额因焦虑而皱起。
| 10. | His forehead was pitted by chicken pox . 他的前额因害了水痘而留下许多麻点。