中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. 最远的。 adv. 最远地,最大程度地,最大限度地。
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| to the greatest distance in space or time (`farthest'' is used more often than `furthest'' in this physical sense); "see who could jump the farthest"; "chose the farthest seat from the door"; "he swam the furthest" 同义词:farthest, farthest,
| | to the greatest degree or extent or most advanced stage (`furthest'' is used more often than `farthest'' in this abstract sense); "went the furthest of all the children in her education"; "furthest removed from reality"; "she goes farthest in helping us" 同义词:farthest, farthest,
| | to the greatest distance in space or time (`farthest'' is used more often than `furthest'' in this physical sense); "see who could jump the farthest"; "chose the farthest seat from the door"; "he swam the furthest" 同义词:farthest, farthest,
| | to the greatest degree or extent or most advanced stage (`furthest'' is used more often than `farthest'' in this abstract sense); "went the furthest of all the children in her education"; "furthest removed from reality"; "she goes farthest in helping us" 同义词:farthest, farthest,
| (comparatives of `far'') most remote in space or time or order; "had traveled to the farthest frontier"; "don''t go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree"; "explored the furthest reaches of space"; "the utmost tip of the peninsula" 同义词:farthermost, farthest, furthermost, utmost, uttermost,
例句与用法 | 1. | It ignites at the end furthest from the muzzle . 在离炮口很远的一端点火。
| | 2. | I will be with you again in an hour at the furthest . 我最迟一小时就回来。
| | 3. | He made his way manfully through the length of the wood, to its furthest edge . 他大模大样地直插树林,向最远的边缘走去。
| | 4. | Ethelbert was most agreeably occupied in the furthest corner of the room . 埃塞尔伯特正在房内最远的那个角落里十分欢快地忙着。
| | 5. | But she remained alone now for the greater part of her time, and stayed in the house, or at furthest went into the garden . 但是,她现在大部分时间都是幽居独处,呆在房子里或最远也不过是到花园走走。
| | 6. | But it was her habit at this period to carry exhaustion to the furthest point and confess to it only when dissimulation broke down . 但这时期她已养成习惯,不把疲劳当一回事,非到忍无可忍、无法掩饰的时候,不会承认疲劳。
| | 7. | From the furthest east to the furthest west the cries spread as if by contagion, accompanied in some cases by the barking of a dog . 这种声音好象受了传染似的,从最远的东面传到最远的西面,有时候,里面掺杂着一两声狗鸣犬吠。
| | 8. | Furthest planet out ? it ' s not that far from here 是最偏远的行星? -离这里不远
| | 9. | Lena should be first because greece is the furthest away 莉娜第一个,因为希腊最远
| | 10. | But humans took the concept of play the furthest 但是人类把玩发挥的更加淋漓尽致。