| 1. | Then a gust of rain blotted them out . 后来被一阵暴风雨遮盖了踪影。
| 2. | A gust of wind dashed rain against the window . 一股风把雨吹过来打在窗上。
| 3. | The simplest concept is the "immersion" gust . 最简单的概念是“浸湿”突风。
| 4. | A cold gust flapped the blanket off louis . 一阵冷风吹开了路易斯身上的毯子。
| 5. | A gust of wind dashed the rain into their faces . 一阵风把雨点打到他们的脸上。
| 6. | Frigid gusts were driving swells in past the mole . 寒风阵阵掀起大浪涌过防波堤。
| 7. | Turbulence or gusts produce velocity fluctuations . 紊乱性或阵息性使速度产生波动。
| 8. | Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road . 这时,一阵狂风卷起沿街的尘土。
| 9. | There was a gust of wind and then it began to pour . 刮了一阵风,跟着就下起了大雨。
| 10. | Turbulence is defined as a series of irregular gusts . 紊流定义为一组无规则的突风。