| 1. | She is a gutsy player , she never gives in . 她是个勇敢的选手,从不屈服。
| 2. | Absolutely . - gutsy by name , gutsy by nature 帅! -高茨是我的名字,勇敢是我的天性
| 3. | Ubuntu 7 . 10 gutsy gibbon is a testing version 10目前还是一个测试版本,请谨慎使用。
| 4. | Wing commander gutsy , this just came from near dover 飞行指挥官高茨从多佛附近收到电报
| 5. | - where ' s gutsy ? - he was still in the plane -高茨在哪里? -他还在飞机里
| 6. | Chaps . - commander gutsy , you ' re alive 战友们-高茨指挥官,你还活着!
| 7. | Where ' s gutsy ? - he was still in the plane 高茨在哪里? -他还在飞机里
| 8. | What did gutsy mean by highly dangerous 高茨说的极度危险是什么意思?
| 9. | She ' s a gutsy player , she never gives in 她是个勇敢的选手,从不屈服
| 10. | She ' s a gutsy player , she never gives in 她是个勇敢的选手,从不屈服