| 1. | It was a gloomy family that met that night in the swaying cabin for a supper of gruel and hard cheese . 这天晚上众人在东摇西摆的小舱里吃麦片粥和邦硬的干酪,都闷闷不乐。
| 2. | A hard cheese similar to cheddar and usually orange 莱斯特干酪类似于切达干酪的一种干奶酪,通常为黄色
| 3. | Analytical methods for hard cheese 硬质干酪检验方法
| 4. | Hard cheeses , chocolate and higher fat milks , and ice cream are usually better tolerated than other dairy foods 硬干酪巧克力高脂牛奶和冰激淋中的乳糖比其它乳制品更容易耐受。
| 5. | Offer a wide range of dairy products including : processed cheese , white cheese , swiss hard and semi - hard cheeses , and soft cheese -乳品制造企业,产品有幼儿青少年中老年孕妇等人群奶粉。