中文翻译与英英解释 | vt. 1.使加紧,催促。 2.促进。 vi. 赶紧,赶快。 hasten home 急忙回家。 hasten to sb.'s assis-tance 赶去救助某人。 hasten to the destination 赶到目的地去。 hasten to the scene 赶到现场。
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| act or move at high speed; "We have to rush!"; "hurry--it''s late!" 同义词:rush, hurry, look sharp, festinate,
| | cause to occur rapidly; "the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions" 同义词:induce, stimulate, rush,
| | move fast; "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"; "The cars raced down the street" 同义词:rush, hotfoot, hie, speed, race, pelt along, rush along, cannonball along, bucket along, belt along, step on it,
| | speed up the progress of; facilitate; "This should expedite the process" 同义词:expedite,
例句与用法 | 1. | On seeing us , they hastened over . 他们看到我们,赶紧走了过来。
| | 2. | To this he hastened as soon as it caught his eye . 他一见就急忙往那里走。
| | 3. | Grief and disappointment are hastening his death . 悲哀和失望加速他的死亡。
| | 4. | She hastened to explain the situation . 她赶忙解释这个情况。
| | 5. | Pandora hastened to replace the lid . 潘多拉赶快捂上盖子。
| | 6. | They are hastening the event they dread . 他们正在催促自己害怕的时刻更快到来。
| | 7. | When our day 's work ended , we hastened there . 当天工作一结束,我们就急忙赶到那里。
| | 8. | We wanted to arm the masses to hasten those processes . 我们要武装群众来加速这个过程。
| | 9. | He hastened out to the kitchen . 他急忙奔进厨房。
| | 10. | The incident has hastened the disintegration of the club . 这一事件加速了该俱乐部的解体。