| 1. | The old recording was tinny and high-pitched . 旧法的录音高亢尖细。
| 2. | He has a high-pitched voice . 他说话调门儿高。
| 3. | " yell " is to make a high-pitched shout of pain , fear or excitement . “Yell”是因痛苦、恐惧或激动而发出的高声喊叫。
| 4. | The children could n't stop giggling at the teacher 's high-pitched voice . 教师的嗓音很高,孩子们都不禁咯咯地笑起来。
| 5. | More and more often, the high-pitched howling of a woman would be heard throughout the village now . 现在可以越来越经常地在全村各地听到妇女的尖声嚎啕。