| 1. | Although newborn animals are immunocompetent, they usually possess no igs at birth . 虽然新生动物有免疫活性,但它们在出生时,一般不含免疫球蛋白。
| 2. | A hortage of 50m / t i a ig lo for us 50公吨的短重对我们是个不小的损失。
| 3. | Subgroup c , d and e were all belonged to igs - i 亚群c 、亚群d和亚群e的菌株同属于igs -型。
| 4. | The ccb chair a ig an evaluator 变更控制委员会主席指定一个评估人。
| 5. | We hook hand after i recognized that he i a ig movie tar 当我认出他是电影明星之后他还跟我握手。
| 6. | Prokaryotic expression of neural cell adhesion molecule l1 - ig and its function 的原核表达及其功能
| 7. | The business development manager reports to the ig group leadership 业务开发经理向国际组领导报告。
| 8. | F ig . 5 t he average step size as a function of extending vo ltae 图5爬行器所加电压与平均步长的关系曲线。
| 9. | International geological congress ig 国际地质大会
| 10. | This table lists the hardware software configuration for the igs server 下表列出了igs服务器的硬件/软件配置: