| 1. | It held out with incredible valour . 它令人难以置信地英勇坚守。
| 2. | It sounded incredible in common . 乍一听来,简直不可思议。
| 3. | His story sounds incredible . 他的故事听起来难以使人置信。
| 4. | An incredible sound assaulted their ears . 一阵阵难以置信的声音冲进了他们的耳中。
| 5. | It is incredible . 它是不可信任的。
| 6. | Then, suddenly, an incredible series of pictures appeared . 可是,紧接着出现了令人难以置信的一组画面。
| 7. | That's incredible ! 这可真荒唐!
| 8. | In the dusk i saw her smile, that incredible female smile . 暮色中我看见了她在微笑,那种不可捉摸的女人的微笑。
| 9. | The incredible success of quantum electrodynamics raises the question . 量子电动力学惊人的成功引起了这一问题。
| 10. | I can't tell you what a bitch she is. the woman is incredible . 这个女人,臭得我简直没法儿跟你说,真是天下奇闻。